Sunday, March 14, 2010

Oh no, weight gain this week....

Holy cow, I gained 1.1 kgs this week, and I had to pay a fine of R15 nogal. Almost threw the scale out of the window. This sucks and I did a back to back training session last night of 13 kms. Thank goodness I'm on holiday now and will be able to put some more effort into the Challenge. But I still feel like a million dollars about my loss so far. Got so many extra outfits to wear because they fit again. Let's see what next week brings. So how has the challenge changed my life so far? I can now reach my toes and give myself a pedicure. Haven't been able to do that in years. Also managing to tie my shoelaces without having to hold my breath all the time. If I drop something on the floor I don't have to stand spread eagle like a Giraff to try and retrieve it. Getting in and out of the car is easier and my bath towel now wraps around me comfortably without creating a V. And the bonus, I have improved my time of 6 kms by 6 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,I was looking through my coaches postings and the closest I found was Dealing With Weight-Loss Plateaus. I know you picked up but the advise may just help you.

    Q: How can I break through a weight-loss plateau? I've been working really hard and having some success; however, the scale hasn't budged for the past two and a half weeks.

    JILLIAN SAYS: Let me just tell you this: A plateau is an integral part of weight loss. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! A plateau is one of your body's survival mechanisms. It occurs because your body thinks there is a famine (because of your lower calorie intake) and slows your metabolism to conserve calories. This will happen periodically throughout your weight-loss journey.

    That said, although a plateau will usually break on its own after about three weeks, here are several ways to prod your metabolism to get back on track quickly!

    Exercise Tips

    Variety: Often we fall into an exercise routine — meaning that we do the same workout regimen for weeks at a time. Think of it this way: If you do 10 push-ups after not working out for months, you will be sore, but if you do 10 push-ups a day for 10 days in a row, you will no longer be sore. This is because your body adapts to your exercise program, and as it adapts, the workout becomes less challenging — and, unfortunately, less effective.

    The solution is variety. You have to mix up your exercise routine to consistently shock your system. Here are a few ways to do that:

    * Alternate the amount of weight you lift: One week lift heavy, the next week light.
    * Change the number of repetitions you do: This usually goes hand in hand with the amount of weight you lift — one week do heavy weights, low reps; the next week do light weights, high reps.
    * Change the exercise: One week do chest presses, the next week chest flies, and the following week push-ups.

    Intensity: The best way to speed your metabolism is to boost the intensity of your training. By picking up the intensity, you'll burn more calories, challenge your body, and literally force your metabolism to burn a little brighter because of all the energy your body needs to complete your exercise regimen.

    Food Tips

    Eat more: Ninety percent of the time, plateaus are caused when your body tries to protect you from famine — this is a survival mechanism that's triggered by calorie reduction. The best quick fix is to give your body a little more food so it feels secure. Varying your calorie intake is my best advice for keeping your body from plateauing: For the next three days, vary your calorie intake between 1,800 and 2,400 calories. I know this may sound crazy, but trust me — I know what I'm doing. After three days, drop back down to the calorie allowance that I've set for you during this program.

    Reduce your sodium and DRINK LOTS OF WATER: Keep your sodium under 1,500 mg a day, at most, for as long as you can manage. You can achieve this in part by cutting all processed foods out of your diet.

    I promise you that if you follow these tips to the letter, your plateau will be shattered by the end of week 2!
