Saturday, January 30, 2010

End of week one

Start of the second week on the Weight Loss Challenge, Weighed in at 99.4 kgs. Total loss of 2.8 kgs this week. Second biggest weight loss out of the challengers, excluding Big Dave of course! Winner lost 4.3 kgs.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Start of Challenge

Well, today is the day for the start of the challenge. Weighed in today 102.2 kgs. Already down by 1.9 kgs since my assessent last week. Feeling a little apprehensive as not sure of what to expect and what the other competitors will be like. After the measurements, weigh-in and introduction of the program, the before photographs were taken and there was a buzz of excitement as a couple of challengers have already claimed the prize money and that they will win. Wish me luck, I can do this!